Who ever said losing weight was easy? What more when it comes to losing your stubborn fats? Those areas in which you put so much effort but just don’t seem to be shrinking… You could invest hours in exercises, hardcore workouts and you may have started eating clean too, but you’re still to no avail despite those efforts.

Here are 7 reasons we decided to share with you on why your journey on losing stubborn fat may be stagnant.

You’re getting older
As you age, the way you gain and lose weight changes. Both men and women experience a
decline in their metabolic rate or the amount of calories the body needs to function normally. Not
forgetting how women also have to deal with menopause. When a woman goes through menopause, the
production of the hormones estrogen and progesterone slows down.

You’re doing the wrong workout
Running or your spin class does wonders for
your heart, but doing cardio alone won’t do much. You need to incorporate a combination of weights along
with cardio vascular training. Muscle burns more calories than fat and you would naturally burn more
calories throughout the day by having more muscle.

You’re eating too much processed food
When I say processed food, I mean
white bread, crackers, chips as well as refined sugars in sweetened drinks and desserts. All these kinds
of foods increase inflammation in your body, which in turn hinders your ability to lose stubborn

You’re stressed
Deadlines, bills, family, relationship - Despite your
source of stress, having too much of it makes it more challenging for you to drop unwanted pounds. It’s
mainly due to the stress hormone cortisol, which may increase the amount of fat your body clings to and
enlarges your fat cells. Studies have shown that higher levels of cortisol have been linked to more
visceral fat.

You’re dealing with health concerns
If your testosterone levels are high,
something that may be facing is polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). When you have PCOS, you will
most likely find it difficult to lose weight.

You’re not getting enough sleep
If you’re part of the 53% of Malaysians who
get less than 8 hours of sleep a night, it’s time you found ways to improve your sleep pattern. Not
being able to lose weight is the bare minimum of the problems you’ll be facing if you don’t have enough

You’re not giving 360 Curve+ Body Contour a shot!
If you didn’t already know, Curvena just launched an all-new treatment, a
much-advanced 360 Curve + Body Contour which uses a
combination of thermal energy, vacuum therapy and negative pressure gravitation to break your stubborn
fat in the most stubborn of areas down and flush them out through your lymphatic system. Breaking down
stubborn fat aside, this treatment also improves and detoxifies your digestive system, promotes
lymphatic drainage, stimulates the production of collagen and reduces cellulite while at it! Try it
today at only RM 68 and watch your stubborn way disappear
in no time!