About Curvena: Body Shaping, and Contouring Treatments

A balanced approach to slimming and wellness

Curvena gives you the slimming results you aim to achieve, one treatment at a time.

About Curvena

Originating from Italian, meaning “A Healthy Curve”, Curvena is a homegrown brand that approaches slimming with a holistic take. We support healthy weight loss for overall wellness.

Established in 2018, Curvena relieves your frustration from the lack of time, options, and knowledge when it comes to weight loss, fat loss, body sculpting, and maintaining body-to-mind wellness. Let us help you reach your personal body goals.

Your ideal body is a goal not a dream

Customised treatments for your body goals

At Curvena, we guarantee your safety and comfort with non-invasive, state-of-the-art technology.

Book a session with us and tell us about your body goals. From there, we will customise a program to help you achieve them in a realistic amount of time. This includes consistent treatments, healthy food suggestions, organic supplements, easy workouts and emotional support.

As weeks pass, you will begin to see visible results, whether it’s weight loss, improved body wellness or an overall increase in self-confidence.

Book a first trial

Let us show you what we can do.

New customers can try one of our four free trial treatments at Curvena to evaluate your experience and see the visible results for yourselves. When you entrust your body to us, we will make your goals come true.