6 Simple Ways to Boost Your Sexual Confidence

6 Simple Ways to Boost Your Sexual Confidence

Being human comes with the fact that we’re not going to feel confident in everything we do. The one main thing most people struggle with is feeling insecure about our bodies. It’s a constant struggle we face more times than we’d like to admit. 


But, the one topic we rarely talk about is feeling self-conscious in the bedroom. Sex is as taboo as it can get to talk about but it’s important to realise how it can affect our lives. Hence, here are 6 simple ways you can boost your sexual confidence.


6 Simple Ways to Boost Your Sexual Confidence



Note your feelings down
Note your feelings down
To do this, you have to tap into your memory, past experiences and feelings when topics of sexuality come up. Journaling and writing about your personal experience with sex can help you understand why you’re not confident during sex. It could be about conversations or sexual acts you’ve engaged in.

However, if you get uncomfortable doing this, that’s okay too, and instead of journaling, it might be good for you to speak to a professional to help you discover where the lack of confidence is coming from. 


Get in touch with yourself on a more intimate level
Get in touch with yourself on a more intimate level
One great way to build your sexual confidence is by learning what you like and don’t like. This calls for being brutally honest with yourself. Also, as your sexuality is embedded in having a better understanding of yourself, getting to know yourself on a deeper level helps build your self-esteem.

It’s important for us to get to know ourselves better. The first relationship you should shape is the one with yourself, and if that relationship is off, there’s a high chance your other relationships either platonic or romantic will be challenged as well. 


Explore your interests, safely
Explore your interests, safely
Whether or not, you’re in a romantic relationship, it’s vital that you identify and acknowledge what you may like before you have sex with someone. When you’re all alone, you can focus on yourself and your pleasure. You also discover what works and doesn’t work for your body. Think about what you like and dislike… Whether there are parts of yourself you’re ashamed of… Take some time to ponder on aspects like this because a lack of self-confidence is seen even when it’s subtle.

Some other things to think about are whether there are parts of your body you’d prefer to be touched? Does your body respond to specific techniques better? Do you prefer using your hands or a vibrator? 

The more you know your body, what turns you on and what doesn’t, the more confident you feel and you’d be able to communicate about it to your partner.


Have an honest conversation with your partner about your sexuality
Have an honest conversation with your partner about your sexuality
When you have a better understanding of your needs and your body, you may then be more comfortable talking to your partner about what you like and dislike. It’s always important to communicate before engaging in any form of sexual activity. This establishes an understanding of your boundaries, shame triggers and kinks that you may feel comfortable doing with your partner.

As sex is something intimate, discussing things like these prevents awkward situations where boundaries are crossed. 


Develop routines and habits that’ll get you in the mood
Develop routines & habits that’ll get you in the mood
Once everything’s out in the open, you’ll be able to take things to a next level with your partner. The best way to do that is to come up with rituals that’ll help build your confidence as a couple. It could be rituals before having sex or even self-care rituals that you do every night to discover what works for you and your partner to become more easily aroused and confident.

While it’s also important to understand yourself, it’s just as important for you to understand what your partner wants and needs. Listen and observe their responses. Only then will the both of you be able to come up with routines and habits that will give you a truly satisfying experience. 


ive Curvena's EMSECRET Reju-V Therapy a try!
Give Curvena’s EMSECRET Reju-V Therapy a try!
The EMSECRET treats the entire pelvic area by using the HIFEM (High Intensity Focused Electromagnetic currents to target the pelvic floor muscles and the muscles in your vagina and vaginal canal. That causes your muscles in that area to contract and relax, giving it a workout. Not only that, but the EMSECRET also triggers the production of new fibroblasts and collagen in the area which then makes the tissues of the vagina, labia and clitoris more sensitive, which in turn heightens your sexual sensation.

Thus, the EMSECRET creates a tighter vaginal canal and improves the sensation of the vaginal tissues including the clitoris and vaginal opening to heighten the sexual pleasure you feel. Your sex drive has an instant boost and makes it easier for you to reach an orgasm. It improves the strength and ease of an orgasm. Sex then becomes more pleasurable and you then gain your self-confidence back. 


Say hello to a satisfying sex life with the EMSECRET Reju-V Therapy!

>Say hello to a satisfying sex life with the EMSECRET Reju-V Therapy!